Megan Maier

Megan grew up in El Paso, Texas. She moved to Tulsa, OK, to study at Oral Roberts University and got her degree in Education, concentrating on Teaching English as a Second Language. Megan chose to study this because she knew that being a teacher would give her access to any country to spread the Good News.

In 2019, Megan decided to go on a mission trip to Brazil. However, COVID-19 caused the trip to be postponed past 2020 and 2021. Finally, in 2022, she was able to spend almost 3 months in Brazil. Shortly after returning to the US, God told her that she was called to Brazil. This began Megan´s journey of learning the language and praying for the country.

In 2023, Megan was able to lead the ORU missions team to Santarem. In leading the team, she felt the Lord confirm that this is where she belonged–living in Santarem and serving the local church and the river communities. She learned what it looks like to partner with what God is doing in Santarem.

During her time in Tulsa, Megan belonged to the Tulsa House of Prayer (THOP). There, she served some prayer groups that set their hearts on intercession and on seeing His kingdom come to earth through prayer. At THOP, Megan worked on the translation of important documents and teachings into Portuguese and Spanish to be sent to THOP´s partners. She also served as a part of their Harvest team that went out weekly to evangelize and pray for the people of Tulsa.

In Santarem, Megan will be teaching English classes. These English classes will equip the students to be translators when international teams come to serve. They will also open the doors for the students to go to other nations to preach the Gospel. When Megan is not teaching classes, she will help receive the international teams and introduce them to the long term work that is being done in Santarem. 

Megan will work alongside other missionaries with the international correspondence to make it easier for churches to send their teams to Santarem to help with the spreading of the Good News and the planting of churches in the river communities.